DJ Everybody – the democratic happening Bring all your record’s, cd’s & mp3 players!
Open Mike. Playtime 15 mins.
DJ Everybody is a hybrid between music and art and gives everybody the opportunity to play her or his set; a kaleidoscope of music, styles and statements on the mike. The border between audience and performer is broken down. DJ Everybody is an interactive happening, a dialogical network, that turns every receiver into a sender and vice versa.
The Multimediainstallation in collaboration with DJ Otaku shows visual and accustic documents from DJ Everybody Happenings. DJ Everybody Happening - worked with MC's like MC/DJ Ruff Ryder/Jamaica-London, MC NAT, MC Crazy Horse/70'ies child, MC Ann Shakes/Hybrid reocrds/Jamaica-Berlin, MCQuio/femmes with fatal breaks , MC/ DJ Rockateer, MC Baba Dango, MC Momo Black, MC Serious/London-Everybody needs time to shine Parade & 70'ies child, MC Mona
DJ Everybody was invented 1995 by Betty Stürmer at her pop up bar "Betty's Versteck", Atelierhaus Mengerzeile e.V., Berlin-Treptow and was touring in Germany/Sweden/Holland/Austria & Peru in clubs & galleries .
DJ Everybody Videos: DJ Everybody Happening, Club for Tschunk, feat. DJ Jim Boom, MC Ruff Ryder, Archiv DJ Everybody, Video Berliner Liste & ObPhon, Fim by DJ Cadeau, Video cut by Clemens Knaack
DJ Everybody Happening - Vita
Projekte (Auswahl) Projects (Selection)
2020 DJ Everybody Line Up List, Exhibition 20-20/100 Jahre Berlin, Kunsthaus Schoeler (K)
2017 DJ Everybody Happening und Multimediainstallation, feat. MC NAT
hosted by Betty Party & Otaku, Nummer zu Platz, Bielefeld, in cooperation with Kulturamt Bielefeld
2016 DJ Everybody - Happening, hosted by Betty Party und DMKKMD, Projektraum Zwitschermaschine, Berlin
2014 DJ Everybody - Happening, Schaufenster, Berlin
2013 DJ Everybody Audio Station, in Zusammenarbeit mit Kulturamt Treptow-Köpenick, 20 years anniversary Atelierhaus Mengerzeile e.V., Berlin-Treptow
2012 DJ Everybody Vintage & Multimediainstallation & Happening, HBC, Berlin
2011 DJ Everybody life recordings, Labor, Berlin-Neukölln
2010 DJ Everybody Multimedia-Installation & Happening, hosted by Betty Stürmer und Otaku, Galerie brot und spiele, Berlin
DJ Everybody Multimediainstallation & Happening, hosted by Betty Stürmer & Otaku, Galerie,61, Bielefeld
DJ Everybody Multimediainstallation & Happening, hosted by Betty Stürmer & Otaku, obPHON, Festival für auditive Kunst, Kirschau/Germany
DJ Everybody Multimedia-Installation & Happening, hosted by Betty Stürmer und Otaku, Berliner Liste, fair for contemporary art & photography/solo booth (K)
DJ Everybody Video Slide Show, allgirls editions, SCOPE, Miami, art fair
2009 DJ Everybody , Multimedia-Installation & Happening, hosted by Betty Stürmer & Otaku,Künstlerhaus Mousonturm/Galerie station, curated by Annette Gloser, Frankfurt (Main) (K)
2008 DJ Everybody, lifesnippets recording party happenings, hosted by Betty Stürmer & Otaku
Yaam Club/Acud Club/KingKong/Naher Osten/Bergstübl , Berlin, feat. MC Quio
DJ Everybody Happening »Sound of Insel«, »Blaue Nacht«, hosted by Betty Stürmer und Otaku, feat. Ann Shakes/Jamaica, Nürnberg (Germany) (K)
2007 DJ Everybody lifesnippets CD-ROM, Multimedia-Installation, by Otaku,»Discountallation«, Galerie Neurotitan, Berlin
2005 DJ Everybody Happening, "Kunstbad", Sylt, Germany
2004 DJ Everybody, „fast umsonst«, NGBK, Berlin (K)
DJ Everybody Happening, hosted by Paulus Fugers, »Funktion durch, Verführung,
Berlijnse Klubkunst, VIP‘s LAB, Rotterdam, NL
2001 DJ Everybody Happening, feat. MC Ruff Ryder, SO 36, Berlin
2000 DJ Everybody/TschunkClub«, CD rom, Otaku (amorph industries) & Betty Stürmer, Nebenfach Fotografie , RAW-Tempel e.V., Berlin
1999 »DJ Everybody«, BerliNapoli von Gió di Sera, Goetheinstitut, Napoli, Italy
1998 - 2001 numerous monthly »DJ Everybody« Happenings, TschunkClub, FIX Club
1998 DJ Everybody« Happening & Installation, Extraterrest, Kunstverein Göteborg, Schweden
DJ Everybody«, curated by Tina M. Friedrich, Forum Stadtpark, Graz (Austria)
DJ Everybody, Installation & Happening , feat. »Sitting Madonnaz, Studiogalerie,
curated by Bernhard Föll, Haus am Lützowplatz, Berlin
DJ Everybody, curated by Gallery SoToDo, Ex‘n Pop, Berlin
1997 DJ Everybody, Berlin Factory, Postfuhramt, Berlin-Mitte
DJ Everybody happening, Roter Salon/Volksbühne, Berlin
DJ Everybody happening , BerliNapoli« von Gió di Sera, Künstlerhaus Bethanien/Kunstamt Kreuzberg, Berlin
DJ Everybody happening , »Betty Stürmer ist Betty Party«, Galerie Fruchtig, Frankfurt (Main)
DJ Everybody Happening, HYDE Kongress, Westwerk, Hamburg
1996 DJ Everybody,Galeria Parafernalia, Lima, Peru
DJ Everybody, Happening & Installation, curated by Dave Allen, with Jonathan Monk & Ross Sinclair, allgirls gallery, Berlin
DJ Everybody Happening , Die Geschichte der Wewerka Galerie Berlin«, curated by Klara Wallner, Kulturbrauerei, Berlin (K)
1995/1996 various & first DJ Everybody Happenings, Betty’s Versteck, Atelierhaus Mengerzeile, Berlin-Treptow